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跨平台网络电视软件:Miro 1.2.4发布

2008-6-10 16:20| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 2371| 评论: 0

大名鼎鼎的开源播放器Democracy Player已经被重新命名为Miro。上次我放过Democracy Player的,看这里。Democracy是一个免费开源的软件,跨Windows, Linux, Mac平台。这款开源软件包含了一个媒体播放器,视频库,内容向导,视频搜索引擎,综合了podcast和BitTorrent客户端。

由Participatory Culture基金会开发的Miro,目的是让在线视频“和看电视一样简单”,让每一个人都能轻松接触互联网新媒体,它支持开放性标准。

好好的为什么要改名?显然是它的名字太独特了,在2006年2月Democracy Player面世的时候,许多人就从这个与众不同的名字联想到了左翼媒体,从而产生出抵制情绪。为了让更多人接受,开发者们想出了这么一个抽象无意义的名字。

- 播放大部分的流行格式的视频文件比如Quicktime, WMV, MPEG, AVI, XVID, 收集组织整理视频文件, 制作播放列表等等.
- 收看网络电视, 订阅video feed, video blog, podcast, 软件还内建了数百个频道供选择.
- 还可以搜索下载YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video和其他网站中的文件.
- 华丽的全屏播放, 因为Democracy使用p2p技术来下载文件, 所以速度应该很快, 可以满足高质量的图像, 这是YouTube这样的网站无法比拟的.
- 具备BitTorrent下载功能, 集下载和播放于一体.
- 另外, 你还可以利用Democracy提供的平台, 方便的分享自己制作的视频和video blog, 得益于p2p, 可以节省大量的带宽.

此外, Democracy Player的界面还非常漂亮. 不过可能因为软件还在开发中, 有的功能似乎还不能用, 希望它将来能越做越好, 就像它的口号一样: The only video player you need.

Miro (previously known as Democracy Player and DTV) is an Internet television application developed by the Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF). Miro can automatically download videos from RSS-based "channels", manage them and play them. Miro is designed to mesh with other PCF products such as Video Bomb, a social tagging video website, and the Channel Channel, a TV guide for internet television.

Miro lets you watch Internet videos like you watch TV. Download and watch all the best internet TV shows and videos in one powerful application. New channels arrive daily in the built-in Channel Guide. Stop squinting at tedious web videos - sit back and watch big, high resolution videos one after another. It's so easy to use that you'll be watching interesting videos in moments.

Miro is based on XULRunner, and is free and open source software. Miro is supported on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and integrates an RSS aggregator, a BitTorrent client, and a media player (VLC media player under Windows, QuickTime under Mac OS X or Xine Media Player under Linux).

Changes and bug fixes in Miro 1.2:
All Platforms
* Reorganization of frontend / backend code (with cool implications for developers)
* #5403 NEW: Added preference for maximum number of channel auto-downloads.
* #4636 NEW: Added preference for default channel autodownload setting
* #8793 NEW: Added preference for upload/download ratio automatic seeding cutoff
* #9562 FIXED: Media detection adds containing folder instead of media files
* #9510 FIXED: Miro needs to handle urls with the feed:// protocol
* #9461 FIXED: All revver searches return 0 results
* #9634 FIXED: DailyMotion videos downloads give File Not Found errors
* #9472 FIXED: Title of Search All saved searches needs to be shortened
* #9650 Removed mefeedia from search engine list due to confusing results
* #9557 Removed the extra directory level created for downloaded torrents
Windows Specific
* NEW: Added a simpler install option for windows
* NEW: Custom icon for windows installer and new installer design
* #9499 Updated to XULRunner 1.9
* #9664 Updated to VLC 0.8.6e (fixes a security flaw in vlc)
* #9447 FIXED: Can't Minimize to Task Bar via task bar on First run
* #9186 FIXED: Miro_MovieData.exe crashes on Vista
OS X Specific
* Updated to Perian 1.1
* #9423 FIXED: on OSX Leopard, spinner spins eternally
* #7976 FIXED: repetitive fatal error, present after relaunches rendering Miro useless
Linux Specific
* #9644 NEW: Preference to toggle between xine and gstreamer backends
* #9735 FIXED: no username / pw prompt for password protected items or feeds
* #9715 NEW: expose XINE_VIZ preference in gtkx11 prefs panel


Linux :http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/pculture.org/miro/src/Miro-1.2.4.tar.gz
Mac OS X:http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/pculture.org/miro/osx/Miro.dmg






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