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KOffice 2 Alpha 5和KDE 4.0 RC1的发布

2007-11-23 14:50| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 2626| 评论: 1

KOffice工作组很高兴得宣布KOffice2平台的第五个allpha版本和KDE 4.0RC1的发布。这个版本包含了改进的共享基础结构(包括一个新的ODF库,所有程序的增强,Krita里的新刷子和路径工具和一个简单的文字处理器),所以叫做Kids Office。更多详情,请查看:通告或者发布日志
KDE 4.0 RC1发布后不久,KDE办公套件KOffice今天宣布2.0版本的Alpha 5发布。由于2.0版本前一个alpha版本,这更像一个技术预览版而不是给用户测试的版本。尽管有很多令人兴奋的新功能和重大的改变。继续阅读来查看更多信息。

KOffice for Bairns


More Shared Infrastructure

The general libraries saw several enhancements. First, there is improved sharing by making resources like gradients and strokes shared. All applications are now using the same implementation of these features, something that will reduce bugs and heighten the users feeling of a unified application suite. Another change is that the basic routines for handling the OpenDocument Format have been broken out into its own library. This is not a user-visible change, but important nonetheless because it is this library that was suggested will be made available for other KDE developers in kdelibs 4.1.

Simplified Word Processor: Kids Office

Over two years ago, Inge Wallin proposed a simplified word processor to be used in school for kids. Thomas Zander, the KWord lead developer, made a proof of concept of this using the infrastructure of KOffice 2. This proved simpler than even Thomas would have believed, and KOffice 2.0 Alpha 5 now contains a first version of the KOffice for kids. Note that only the GUI is simplified, and that it still contains the full power of KOffice. This means that it can save and load the OpenDocment Format, which will make it easy to interact with other users of OpenOffice.org or the full KOffice suite.

Krita's Chinese Brush

New Drawing Tools in Krita

The Krita team is working hard to make Krita the best free pixel based image editor in the world. This version introduces so called Chinese Brushes and a new Path Tool. It also now has all the filters that Krita 1.6 had again, as well as a first-cut implentation of on-canvas filter previews.

More information about this release can be found in the full announcement or the release notes.





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