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Scala 2.12发布计划

2014-7-1 09:44| 发布者: joejoe0332| 查看: 2495| 评论: 0|原作者: oschina|来自: oschina

摘要:   Scala 2.12 会要求 Java 8,Scala 2.11 将会继续支持 Java 6。以下是 Scala 2.11 和 Scala 2.12 的共有特性: Compile lambdas efficiently using method handles. (Separate compatibility module needed on 2. ...

  Scala 2.12 会要求 Java 8,Scala 2.11 将会继续支持 Java 6。以下是 Scala 2.11 和 Scala 2.12 的共有特性:

  • Compile lambdas efficiently using method handles. (Separate compatibility module needed on 2.11 – see below.)

  • Java 8 interop (bidirectional):

  • Fully integrate Miguel’s new back-end & optimizer (refactor code, test & document in-depth, remove old back-end).

  • Style checker: an efficient, community-driven, platform for accurate coding style checking (built on top of the compiler).

  • Collections: improve test coverage, performance, documentation (& modularize?)

  • Improve documentation: focus on content. (This is a great place to start contributing, as well as on the tooling side of documentation.)

  • Continue infrastructure improvements (sbt build, improve pull request validation & release automation, bug tracker cleanup and automation).

Scala 2.12 将会有更多的 Java 8 特性:

  • Turn FunctionN into Functional Interfaces, so that Java 8 code can call higher-order methods in Scala without a wrapper.

  • Support for @interface traits, which are guaranteed to compile to Java interfaces (useful for interop, performance and binary compatibility). This is a generalization of the above feature.

  • Streams: integrate into Scala collections? (Anywhere from providing converters to replacing existing functionality.)

  • Use the JDK’s forkjoin library instead of embedding our own. (Switch the global default ExecutionContext to be backed by the ForkJoinPool.commonPool().)

  • SIP-20 Improved lazy val initialization (if time allows).


Scala 2.10.5 (Q4 2014) 将会是最后的 2.10 版本。以下是发布计划:

2.10.0 04/01/2013 First 2.10.x release
2.11.0 16/04/2014 First 2.11.x release
2.11.1 19/05/2014
2.11.2 21/07/2014
2.11.3 29/09/2014
2.10.5 Q4 2014 Last 2.10.x release
2.12.0-M1 24/11/2014
2.11.4 Dec 2014
2.12.0-M{2,3,4} Q{1,2,3} 2015 quarterly 2.12.0-Mx releases
2.12.0-M5 Oct 2015
2.12.0-RC1 Nov 2015 (1 year after M1)
2.12.0 Jan 2016







  • 快毕业了,没工作经验,


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