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Peppermint OS 5发布,基于LUbuntu的发行版

2014-6-25 14:20| 发布者: joejoe0332| 查看: 2271| 评论: 0|原作者: oschina|来自: oschina

摘要: Peppermint OS 5 发布,此版本添加了窗口管理器和部件主题,其他值得注意的更新如下:……

  Peppermint OS 5 发布,此版本添加了窗口管理器和部件主题,其他值得注意的更新如下:

  • Peppermint Five is built on a Long Term Support (LTS) code base, Ubuntu 14.04. The upstream code base will receive updates for five years.

  • Peppermint Ice is our in house built SSB manager, it has been rewritten from scratch and is now significantly more stable and is more feature rich than past versions. The key new feature is that it now supports both Chrome and Chromium as a backend.

  • Peppermint Control Center is our new settings app which provides an intuitive interface to customize and manage your workspaces, window behavior, keyboard and pointer settings, keyboard shortcuts and more.

  • We’ve fixed a number of upstream bugs present in Lubuntu, the specific project we fork from. Most notable among these are that the network manager applet starts properly.

  • Peppermint-Light is our new window manager and widget theme designed to offer a clean and relatively flat look and feel.

  • In previous iterations of Peppermint OS we used Alsa for sound. Our users asked for a more robust audio backend with more options and more user-friendly, Peppermint Five delivers with PulseAudio.

  其他更多更新内容请看发行说明。下载:Peppermint-5-20140623-amd64.iso (596MB)。

  Peppermint   OS是基于Ubuntu的Linux发行,它的设计目标是超级快以及对系统资源要求低。通过采用Mozilla的Prism技术,Peppermint能 与云计算及基于网页的应用无缝集成。该发行的其他特性包括自动更新,简易的逐步式安装,雅致且用户友好的界面,以及通过直接与云计算应用集成而达到的增强 的移动性。





  • 快毕业了,没工作经验,


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