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KDE 4.0 Alpha 2发布

2007-7-6 10:45| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 1706| 评论: 3

KDE社区很高兴立即宣布K桌面环境(KDE)的第二个alpha版本的发布。这个版本直接来自格拉斯哥,这个苏格兰最大的城市aKademy正发生的地方。成千上万的KDE修改者正疯狂工作来捕获bug,KDE 4.0的完整功能和sit together 开发和完成的新闻和令人兴奋的应用程序为这个流行自由桌面的新的主版本。

The most exciting new development is currently going on in Plasma, KDE 4's new shell for the desktop. Plasma provides krunner, an application to directly launch programs and start other tasks. Plasmoids are applets that display information such as the time, information about hardware devices and also provide access to online resources, for example showing RSS feeds, images or providing dictionary lookup.

System Settings, the replacement for kcontrol is an improved user interface hosting various modules for configuring the desktop and other aspects of the system is another addition worth mentioning.

The upcoming weeks will be spent on further stabilizing and streamlining the underlying KDE libraries to provide a stable interface for programmers for the whole KDE4 lifecycle. Furthermore, the focus will shift to finishing the applications that are shipped with the base desktop and polishing their user interfaces.

The end of July will see a full freeze of the kdelibs module, manifested in the first beta release of KDE 4.0 with the final release currently planned for the end of October this year.

For the bravehearts who want to try KDE 4.0 Alpha2, please refer to the alpha 2 info page to find ways to have a peak at the current status yourself. As the pace of development would outdate screenshots very quickly, the best way to find out about progress is to refer to sites such as The Dot or Planet KDE, the collection of KDE developers' weblogs.





  • 快毕业了,没工作经验,


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