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开源新时代来临:Linux 3.0发布

2011-7-22 19:24| 发布者: xyxzfj| 查看: 3323| 评论: 0|原作者: Linux人社区|来自: Linux人社区

摘要: Linux 3.0 ReleasedLinux 3.0发布posted by Thom Holwerda on Fri 22nd Jul 2011 08:36 UTC, submitted by diegocg发表于:2011年7月21日 北京时间16:36Linux 3.0 has been released. Technically, the release of v ...
Linux 3.0 has been released. Technically, the release of version 3.0 of the Linux kernel shouldn't be too eventful, since the jump in version number doesn't actually signify any huge change or whatever; the only reason behind the bump to 3.0 is to come to saner version numbering. Still, man, it's like, totally version 3 of the Linux kernel.
  Linux 3.0发布了。从技术上说,Linux内核3.0版本的发行并不是什么大事,因为版本号的跳转事实上并不意味着任何巨大的变化或什么;版本号突跳至3.0的唯一原因,是为了纠正版本命名。不过,它终究是Linux内核3.0版本。

So yeah, the year of Linux on the desktop never came, but in its place came a lot of other, possibly far more impressive stuff. The year of Linux on the server - dominating. The year of Linux on smartphones - Linux is godlike here. The year of Linux on high-performance computing - Linux aced this market. And a whole load of other things, like embedded uses for Torvalds' baby.

Now we're at version 3.0, but it's a relatively minor release. "As already mentioned several times, there are no special landmark features or incompatibilities related to the version number change, it's simply a way to drop an inconvenient numbering system in honor of twenty years of Linux," Torvalds writes, "In fact, the 3.0 merge window was calmer than most, and apart from some excitement from RCU I'd have called it really smooth. Which is not to say that there may not be bugs, but if anything, there are hopefully fewer than usual, rather than the normal '.0' problems."
  虽然我们站在了版本3.0之上,但该版本仍只是一个微量发行。“如好几次提到的,版本号的突跳并未带来特别里程碑式的特性或不兼容性;这只是为了纪念Linux 20年,去掉不合适的版本命名系统,” Torvalds写道,“事实上,3.0的出现要比以往都要安静;除了一点来自RCU(远程控制单元)的兴奋之外,我认为它实在是平和。这也不表示它不会有漏洞;不过即便有,也很很可能比以往都少,甚至比版本号包含中‘.0’的正式版都少。”

The changes include Btrfs data scrubbing and automatic defragmentation, XEN Dom0 support, unprivileged ICMP_ECHO, wake on WLAN, Berkeley Packet Filter JIT filtering, a memcached-like system for the page cache, a sendmmsg() syscall that batches sendmsg() calls, the setns() a syscall that allows better handling of light virtualization systems such as containers, new hardware support such as Microsoft Kinect and AMD Llano Fusion APUs, and many other drivers and small changes. Full changelog here.
  更新包括Btrfs文件系统的数据清理与自动碎片整理功能,XEN Dom0(请见注释)支持,无特权ICMP_ECHO(ICMP,Internet控制报文协议),无线局域网唤醒,Berkeley Packet Filter(柏克莱封包过滤器)实时过滤,一个类似分布式缓存的包缓存系统,一个批处理sendmsg()系统调用(syscall)的 sendmmsg()系统调用,setns()——一个实现对轻量虚拟化系统如容器等更佳管理的系统调用,对新的硬件如微软的Kinect(体感周边)和 AMD的Llano Fusion APU,以及许多其他驱动和小的更新。此处有完整更新记录
【注释】XEN Dom0(英文来源:http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/Dom0)
Dom0, or domain zero to expand the abbreviation, is the first domain started by the Xen hypervisor on boot. It has special privileges, like being able to cause new domains to start, and being able to access the hardware directly. Unless DriverDomains are being used, it is responsible for running all of the device drivers for the hardware. For hardware that is made available to other domains, like network interfaces and disks, it will run the BackendDriver, which multiplexes and forwards to the hardware requests from the FrontendDriver in each DomU.
  Dom0,全称第0域(Domain 0),是Xen虚拟监视器启动时首先启动的域。它有着特殊的权限,如可以引起新的域启动,可以直接访问硬件。除非DriverDomain(驱动域)在被使用,它负责运行控制硬件的所有设备驱动。对于对其它域可用的硬件,比如网络和磁盘,它将运行BackendDriver(后端驱动器),后者将来自每个 Dom0中的FrontendDriver(前端驱动)的请求多路转发至硬件。

Modified versions of Linux, NetBSD and Solaris can be used as the dom0. See OS vendor documentation for specific steps. Current official documentation may be found at the following sites:
NetBSD -- http://www.netbsd.org/ports/xen/howto.html#netbsd-dom0
OpenSolaris -- http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/xen/docs/SetupDom0.htm
Debian --http://wiki.debian.org/Xen#Dom0.28host.29

For info about available Linux Xen dom0 kernels please see this wiki page: http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenDom0Kernels
  有关Linux Xen dom0内核的更多信息,敬请关注此维基页:http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenDom0Kernels






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