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KDE 4.7下的OpenGL ES For Kwin越来越近

2010-11-21 18:39| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 2590| 评论: 0|来自: Linux 人

摘要: There's just about two months left until the release of KDE SC 4.6, but Martin Gräßlin and other KDE developers have already begun thinking about and working on code for KDE Software Compilation 4.7 ...
There's just about two months left until the release of KDE SC 4.6, but Martin Gräßlin and other KDE developers have already begun thinking about and working on code for KDE Software Compilation 4.7 [granted, there are already people talking about KDE5 and KDE6] that is still eight months away. In particular, Martin has some prominent KWin compositing manager changes for the 4.7 release.
离KDE SC 4.6的发布才两个月,Martin Gräßlin和其他KDE开发人员已经开始思考与着手开发远在八个月后才出来的KDE Software Compilation 4.7了。特别地,Martin为4.7发行中的KWin compositing manager作了一些突出的改进。

We have previously reported that KDE SC 4.7 may optionally support OpenGL 3.x for compositing, which is good news for those running the proprietary NVIDIA or AMD Catalyst drivers, but the open-source Mesa and Gallium3D drivers are still living in the OpenGL 2.1 world. For KDE SC 4.7, Martin has also been working on OpenGL ES 2.0 support for KWin so that it could be used by mobile devices, such as those running MeeGo. OpenGL ES 2.0 is also supported by Mesa and Gallium3D and the proprietary drivers too, due to the web presence of OpenGL ES 2.0.
我们先前报道过,KDE SC 4.7可能可以可选地支持OpenGL 3.x绘图, 这对运行着专有的NVIDIA 或 AMD的 Catalyst驱动的人是好消息,可是开源的Mesa 和 Ga llium3D仍然存在于OpenGL 2.1的世界里。对于KDE SC 4.7,由于Martin也一直致力于OpenGL ES 2.0对Kwin的支持性上,因此它可以为移动设备如运行MeeGo的设备所使用。由于有OpenGL ES 2.0的存在,OpenGL ES 2.0同时也被Mesa 和Gallium3D以及专有驱动所支持。

Martin is now reporting on his blog that this early OpenGL ES 2.0 code for KWin is successfully compiling. It's compiling, but not yet running and there's still a lot of work left before that happens. Fortunately, this is code for KDE 4.7 so there's still plenty of time.
Martin在他博客上报道说,这一早早来临的KWin 下的OpenGL ES 2.0代码在成功地编译。不过只在编译,还没运行,并且在成功运行之前还有许多工作要做。幸运的是,这是为KDE 4.7而写的代码,因此也就有着充足的时间。





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