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FTP服务器:vsftpd 2.3.0发布

2010-8-12 11:13| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 1890| 评论: 0|来自: OSMSG

摘要: vsftpd是一款在Linux发行版中最受推崇的FTP服务器程序。特点是小巧轻快,安全易用。详细如下: Aug 2010 – vsftpd-2.3.0 released vsftpd-2.3.0 is released – with a couple of regression fixes (port_promiscuo ...


Aug 2010 – vsftpd-2.3.0 released

  • vsftpd-2.3.0 is released – with a couple of regression fixes (port_promiscuous and SSL data transfer + ASCII transforms). In addition, it is now possible to use REST + STOR to overwrite part of a file. There is also a tiny experimental HTTP section for people who need a paranoidly secure simple static HTTPd. Please refer to the v2.3.0 Changelog and vsftpd FAQ (frequently asked questions) for a list of common questions!
  • After numerous requests, I now have a PayPal button for donations. If you use vsftpd, like it, and think it’s worthy of a donation, then click on the Paypal button on the left of the page.
  • ftp.freebsd.org switched to vsftpd.
  • vsftpd tarballs are now GPG signed by me.
- Add extremely simply HTTP support. It's very experimental, ignorant of HTTP
protocol and headers, and likely has all sorts of other issues. The use case
it might satisfy is if you need to serve simple static unathenticated content
with large levels of paranoia.
- Fix port_promiscuous breakage. Report from Soeren <soeren84@fastmail.net>.
- Minor FAQ update.
- Use a larger address space limit if using text_userdb_names=YES
- Always use CLONE_NEWNET if possible when in HTTP mode.
- Change REST + STOR so that it's possible to overwrite part of file without
truncating it.
- Boot the session if we see a USER where encryption was required. May prevent
the transmission of plaintext passwords by buggy clients. Idea from
Marcin Hlybin <marcin@rootnode.net>.
- Fix failure to transmit a large ASCII file over SSL, if it contains \n -> \r\n

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  • 快毕业了,没工作经验,


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