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Notepad++ v4.1发布

2007-5-8 18:00| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 2911| 评论: 0

Notepad++ 是在微軟視窗環境之下的一個免費的代碼編輯器。

為了產生小巧且有效率的代碼編輯器,這個在GPL許可證下的自由軟體開發專案採用 win32 api STL C++ 程式語言撰寫成,並且選用功能強大的編輯模組 Scintilla。多虧它的輕巧與執行效率,Notepad++ 可完美地取代微軟視窗的記事本。

這個軟體開發專案已臻於成熟階段,然而目前只有一個人從事軟體開發與維護的工作,瑕疵是無法避免的。如果你有任何關於 Notepad++ 的建議,歡迎來信與我聯繫,但我不保證你的提議一定會被採用。

希望你使用 Notepad++ 就像我開發它一樣充滿樂趣。

Notepad++ is a free generic source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. 
The version 4.1 is available. In this release not only the interface of Find in files dialog is improved distinctly, but find, replace and find in files dialogs are now 3 in 1. 
The version 1.73 of Scintilla include the CMake lexer. And just by chance, I worked a lot with CMake recently at work, so I updated Scintilla from v1.71 to v1.73, and supports the language of CMake. CMakeLists.txt is also available for the source code of Notepad++ (in "src" directory). It's tested only with the generation of VC project file, but not with the generation of MinGW makefile. 
3 new plugins are added in this release : SpellChecker, NppExec and QuickText. SpellChecker help you to corect the tipos in your document. You should have aspell instaled to make it work. With NppExec plugin you can execute your commands or saved scripts without leaving Notepad++. It makes you triple your productivity! QuickText is a snippet manager. Once you define all your snippet in you beloved language, type the macro keyword then Ctrl+Enter - I can hear you say "wow". 
Another new feature is the clickable URL (http only). It's rather a gadget, but I like it. 
v4.1 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.0.2) : 
1. Fix the crash issue while saving settings on quit. 
2. Fix the crash issue while using the command line with one launched Notepad++ instance. 
3. Enhance Find in files feature : 
* Improve Find in files user interface (more intuitive). 
* The search result (also for find in all opened files) is docked on the bottom of Notepad++. 
* Recursive search is optional. 
* Search result is collapsable by file. 
* User defined keywords for search result. 
4. Add tabbing interface in Find dialog : Find/Replace/Find in files 
5. Add clickable URL http link feature (double click to trigger). 
6. Add cmake language support. 
7. Add mark all without launching Find dialog (Ctrl+M). 
8. Fix the ROFL (Recent Opened File List) bug : try to open a non-existing file from ROFL, the full file path doesn't be removed from ROFL. 
9. Enhance the backup feature : in verbose mode, the file will be backed up in .\nppBackup directory. 
10. Update Scintilla component to v1.73 
For further information about this project, see :  
and the project page :  





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