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电骡8周年第一弹 eMule 0.50a Beta1 公开测试

2010-3-12 17:33| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 1496| 评论: 2

eMule诞生于2002年,“电骡之父”是本名Hendrik.Breitkreuz 的德国人Merkur,他用mule(骡子,马骡)来作为这款客户端的名字,暗含对美国的电驴官方客户端edonkey(电驴,电子驴)挑战之意,如今电 驴官方从2006年开始早已不复存在,而电骡eMule八年来却成为了开源社区最神奇的一个软件,sourceforge中超过5亿次的下载量,来自世界 各地的程序员用自己的业余时间为它作出了贡献,还创造了数不清的mod,甚至连它的mod,比如emule xtreme,emule morphxt等都在sourceforge中排名前列,这不能不说是一个神奇。 而emule官方组织emule-project也始终如一的坚持秉承着“我们之所以创造eMule是为了快乐和知识,而不是为了金钱。”的理 念,甚至已 经不再接受爱好者们的自愿捐款,仅靠销售一些吉祥物小骡子维持运转。昨天,eMule官方发布了新年以来的第一个新版公开测试,eMule 0.50A Beta1, 新版加强了aich hash验证,增强了LAN内部对KAD的利用,并且进一步改善了用户界面。新的eMule,新的网络分享时代,让我们拭目以待。

注意,这仅仅是一个测试版,所以请酌情考虑使用。如果有出现任何问题,请及时到emule官方论坛反馈!http://forum.emule- project.net/

About 0.50a:

Dear eMule users,

it has been a long ride, but now we are finally halfway there  We are once again happy to present you a new shiny version: eMule 0.50a. Many small but nonetheless important fixes and changes were made, but the main features of this new version are:

Making eMules file verifying algorithm future proof by combining the ed2k hash with the AICH hash to identify and verify downloaded parts and files. This guarantuees that existing and newly found MD4 weaknesses will not affect eMules ability to deliver uncorrupted files in the future.
Several GUI improvements, like supporting new taskbar features of Windows7, easier access to download commands by adding a new toolbar, a improved shared files dialog and a brand new Kad graph to look and wonder at
Better usability in small LANs by adjusting Kad to such an environment and supporting highspeed uploads
And as always fixing bugs and adding other small changes

Your eMule-Team


eMule v0.50a BETA1 安装向导包:ed2k://|file|eMule0.50a_BETA1- Installer.exe|3382198|A25087410B0B737AB1D6ED03DAB579ED|h=DU2TG3BPHBZHA5HZWCH2WOQJRLSOUZD4|/
eMule v0.50a BETA1 压缩包:ed2k: //|file|eMule0.50a_BETA1.zip|2903089|F94088430B17E02F78EBF15C76CD977D|h=NERAHJM76DL6OHSTUVKHM5WUTWLC2T2U|/
eMule v0.50a BETA1 源代码:ed2k://|file|eMule0.50a_BETA1- Sources.zip|5946924|9F0E1AA4C02BF3FA332707C9B6C66EF6|h=LM5OIFJ2MLEYZZJKTV3JVG5GWU2FIXIP|/


eMule 0.50a BETA1
- Mar, 8. 2010 -
.: Fixed a bug which caused the "Add files to download in paused mode" otpion to not work properly in all cases
.: Fixed a visual glitch on taksbar notifiers when using the Aero theme [gureedo]

- Mar, 3. 2010 -
.: Added Windows 7 taskbar goodies:
- global progress bar in the eMule taskbar button, progress colors: green when downloading, red when a download is errorous, yellow otherwise
- Taskbar Buttons: when hovering over the eMule taskbar button (connect/disconnect/throttle/unthrottle/open preferences)
- Overlay icon: Overlay icon on the eMule taskbar button indicating active up- and downloads (disabled by default, enable by ini entry "ShowUpDownIconInTaskbar=1").

- Mar, 1. 2010 -
.: Tweaked uploadcode to significantly increase the possible uploadspeed per slot especially on LANs, making eMule more suitable for those
.: The number of maximal open upload slots has been decreased to 100
.: Fixed a bug which caused the "Add files to download in paused mode" otpion to not work properly in all cases

- Feb, 28. 2010 -
.: Fixed a problem with the sharedfiles list when deleting a shared files [dolphinX]
.: Fixed minor possible memory/ressource leak in the archive recovery and ipfilter [dolphinX]
.: Fixed possible problem when wrong incoming directory due to categories in certain cases [dolphinX]

- Feb, 19. 2010 -
.: Fixed a bug in Kad which would not enforce the search tolerance in certain cases
.: Changed Kad to work better in small LANs. If Kad detects it is running on a LAN (only LAN IPs in the routing table), it will assume beeing open and not behind a NAT/Router without trying to verfiy (which would fail in a small LAN),
and also doesn't enforces several security features like flood detection for LAN IPs. Now even a small Kad LAN of 2 nodes works well without any setup issues
(To create such a Kad LAN, make sure all clients have Options->Extended->"Filter server and client LAN IPS" disabled, delete the existing nodes.dat if necessary, go to the Kad dialog and enter the IP+Port of one other client (which is either connected or in connecting mode for Kad) to the bootstrap box - done)

- Jan, 25. 2010 -
.: The connection wizzard is no longer shown after finishing the first start wizzard (it's deprecated)
.: The first start wizzard is only shown on first starts and no longer after updates

- Jan, 21. 2010 -
.: Added a new graph to the Kad window, which lets you watch each Kad lookup in detail. For non-Devs this is just for fun, you don't need to worry about anything shown there. A detailed explanation of the graph can be found in the onlinehelp.
.: Added "Automatically show active searches" option to the context menu of the new graph which lets it switch to active lookups automatically (instead having to select it in the list). Now you can watch Kad working for hours without a click!

- Jan, 12. 2010 -
.: Added a new dockable toolbar to the transfer dialog. The buttons resemble the context menu options, but making them accessible easier and faster. The toolbar can be removed by right clicking on it and shown again by selecting context menue option of the downloadlist

- Jan, 10. 2010 -
.: The context menu in of the downloadlist allows now directly assign a file to a new category (instead of having to create it separately first)
.: The "Unassign" category context menu entry is now only available if a file actually has a category





  • 快毕业了,没工作经验,


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