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Xfce 稳定版发布:4.4.3

2008-10-29 14:41| 发布者: walkerxk| 查看: 1511| 评论: 0

在开发 4.6 新版本的同时,Xfce 项目开发小组也没忘给目前的稳定分支更多关爱。近日,针对 4.4.x 稳定分支系列,Xfce 项目组发布了维护版本 4.4.3。Xfce 4.4.3 仅仅对窗口管理器 xfwm4、桌面管理器 xfdesktop、面板组件 xfce4-panel 中的缺陷进行了修正,并没有添加其他新特性。此外,这个版本也更新了一些翻译。

Xfce 4.4.3 changelog

Panel (xfce4-panel):

* Quite a bit code changed in the dnd code. Mostly to fix a segfault in FreeBSD-amd64, but more problems were discovered and a lot of code was simplified.
* Don't respond the uri drags, we don't use it and it only causes problems like hiding the panel when a file was dragged over the panel (Bug #3815).
* Fix crash with xrandr 1.2 (Bug #3620)

Desktop Manager (xfdesktop):

* Make menu panel plugin honor CustomizeDesktopMenu kiosk setting (Bug #1026).
* Fix incorrect initial desktop font size when setting custom font size if a custom font was never set before (Bug #3957).

Window Manager (xfwm4):

* Fix automaximize on move
* Remove trailing \0 in UTF-8 strings, that causes libwnck to rightfully complain that NET_WM_NAME contains invalid UTF-8
* Exit on SelectionClear event so that xfwm4 exits even with WM who do not send a ClientMessage event such as Openbox (Bug #2374)
* Backport overlay and compositor support from trunk (Bug #3849)
* Filter out grab/ungrab events so we don't end up redrawing the frame twice
* Set monitor when positionning menu (Bug #4162)
* Reduce flickering during resize (Bug #4283)
* Fix NET_WM_STATE claiming maximization vertical and horizontal even if only horizontal of vertical is actually set (Should fix Bug #3969)
* Loosen the rule that prevents an application from iconifying itself when skip_taskbar is set (Bug #4434)
* Rework visual depth selection of the frame window (Bug #4452)
* Take gravity bit into account in configure resize only requests to comply with standard (Bug #3634)
* Add client windows to save set to avoid loosing all windows in case of crash
* Use guint32 instead of Time internally to avoid potential issues in 64bits
* Add a "--replace" command line option to replace ICCCM2 compliant window managers (Bug #3731)

下载 Xfce 4.4.3

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本文网址: http://linuxtoy.org/archives/xfce-443.html





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