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Node.js 1.0 正式版发布了???

2013-2-3 16:15| 发布者: 红黑魂| 查看: 1758| 评论: 0|来自: 开源中国

摘要: 小编今天在 Node.js 的 RSS 中看到了标题为 “Node Version 1.0” 的博客,但是点击此博客链接后到了 Node.js 网站上提升页面不存在,看来是被删除了。目前直接访问 blog.nodejs.org 看到最新的版本是 0.9.8 开发版 ...

小编今天在 Node.js 的 RSS 中看到了标题为 “Node Version 1.0” 的博客,但是点击此博客链接后到了 Node.js 网站上提升页面不存在,看来是被删除了。目前直接访问 blog.nodejs.org 看到最新的版本是 0.9.8 开发版。

在 RSS 阅读器中看到的博客的全文如下:

As we continue to make Node better, faster, and stronger, the question often comes up about when we'll hit 1.0. In fact, many people have assumed that the version after 0.9 would be 1.0 by virtue of decimal overflow.

Alas, version numbers are not decimals, but vectors of propaganda. Having a 0 at the start our version number has afforded the Node project a lot of leeway in terms of making changes to our APIs. However, it also has communicated that the Node project is, in a very relevant way, not "done".

The core team and I have talked about what "1.0" means a few times. It's one of those things that we've sort of agreed we'd "know it when we see it". In particular, we'd like to have libuv and the JavaScript and bindings in Node be in a state where they are not shifting around very much, at least from an API point of view.

If you are using Node 1.0, then your program should not be broken prior to Node 2.0. You may have to re-compile your addons when we release Node 1.2, and new JavaScript API may be added, but there will not be major changes to the existing APIs at that point.


Node's JavaScript layer is effectively at a 1.0 level of stability with v0.10. (In fact, you could argue that we were there with v0.8, given the level of effort we've been putting into maintaining API stability when at all possible.) Here's what's left:

  • The Streams changes ought to get some real-world play-testing before we call it finished. As it stands, there are some performance issues with the implementation, which have to be fixed before v0.10 can be released, but the API is definitely an improvement.
  • The HTTP client has some issues that need to be addressed. We don't support KeepAlives as well as we ought to, and the right approach there will require some thoughtful work. This is planned for v0.12.

After that, we'll be focused on stabilizing all of the APIs marked "Unstable" or "Experimental". APIs marked as "Deprecated" may be changed or broken, but we won't go out of our way to remove them. The progress from that point should be steadily upwards in terms of stability, so that we can focus on other outside-of-core issues, like tooling or npm website features.

V8, Bindings, C++ Addons

We will continue to pull in changes from the V8 project. In fact, when we hit 1.0, I expect that we'll be following V8's release schedule much more closely.

The ABI for binary addons will be stable within even-numbered releases, just as it is now. So, for example, a binary addon that was built with node v1.0.5 will still work with node v1.0.25. But if you install node v1.2.0, you will probably have to re-compile.

The binding API in node (that is, the private API that node's internal JavaScript uses to access its C++ bits) will continue to be private, but will only change as absolutely necessary.


The libuv project is quite a bit younger than node, and does a lot of Node's heavy lifting.






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